"Joker: Folie à Deux" is a movie directed by Todd Phillips starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga. With Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener, and Harry...
"Like a Dragon: Yakuza" is a Japanese series starring Ryoma Takeuchi, Munetaka Aoki, and Kento Kaku. It is directed by Masaharu Take and Kengo Takimoto.
"MadS" is a French horror movie written and directed by David Moreau starring Milton Riche, Laurie Pavy, and Lucille Guillaume.
French horror cinema, though...
"Sing: Thriller" is an animated short film from Illumination Entertainment. Featuring the voices of Matthew McConaughey, Tori Kelly, Nick Kroll and Scarlett Johansson among...
"Lonely Planet" is a movie starring Laura Dern and Liam Hemsworth. It is written and directed by Susannah Grant.
Romantic comedies set in exotic locations...
"The Life and Movies of Erşan Kuneri" is a Netflix comedy series written, directed and starring Cem Yılmaz. With Uras Kaygilaroglu, Nilperi Sahinkaya, Ezgi...
"Speak No Evil" is an intriguing horror film directed by James Watkins, featuring a talented cast including James McAvoy, Mackenzie Davis, Scoot McNairy, and...
"Gyeongseong Creature" is a Netflix series starring Park Seo-joon and Han So-hee. It is created by Kang Eun-kyung.
The highly anticipated second season of "Gyeongseong...
"A True Gentleman" is a Turkish movie starring Çagatay Ulusoy. With Ebru Sahin and Senay Gürler.
"A True Gentleman," now available on Netflix, begins with...
"AfrAId" is a Blumhouse horror movie starring John Cho and Katherine Waterston.
Blumhouse Productions leads us once more through the familiar corridors that have solidified...
"Blink Twice" is a movie directed by Zöe Kravitz starring Naomi Ackie, Channing Tatum, Adria Arjona, Christian Slater and Geena Davis.
"Blink Twice" emerges as...