“Investigation Alien” – Netflix Documentary Hosted by David Knapp: Do UFOs Exist?

Martha O'Hara Martha O'Hara
Investigation Alien - Netflix

Investigation Alien” is a Netflix TV miniseries with  George Knapp and Clive Christopher.

Netflix has released a new documentary series focused on UFOs, featuring George Knapp, the renowned journalist known for his extensive reporting on this mysterious phenomenon. With decades of experience, Knapp brings a well-informed perspective to the subject, exploring the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

“Investigation Alien” is a documentary presented and directed by George Knapp, who asserts that alien sightings are real, that cattle mutilations have been carried out by beings from other planets, and most disturbingly, that these beings live among us and may even be hiding underwater. Regardless of whether you believe in extraterrestrial life, this documentary delves deep into the captivating subject, offering a wide range of testimonies and investigations. It covers well-known topics such as Area 51 and the U.S. Government’s research into these phenomena.

About the Documentary

Whether you believe in these phenomena or not, George Knapp does an admirable job with this documentary: it intrigues, poses constant questions, and consistently provides impactful images and expert testimonies. The documentary explains the AARO program (you can visit their website here) and how an article published in The New York Times prompted the Government to investigate these phenomena further. Knapp and his assistant interview individuals who claim to have seen flying objects, reexamining sightings, abductions, and various related phenomena.

As skeptics, we found the chapter dedicated to water particularly unsettling, as it suggests that intelligent life, possibly from another planet, might be lurking beneath the surface.

For those seeking a thought-provoking viewing experience on Netflix, this documentary offers an opportunity to reconsider the existence (or non-existence) of beings from another planet and ponder whether someone is concealing the truth. It’s a documentary filled with conspiracies, lies, and secrets, touching on well-known topics like Area 51 and the supposed autopsies of bodies believed to be of extraterrestrial origin.

With six episodes, whether they are filled with conjectures or truths, the series proves to be intriguing. Enjoy the show.

Where to Watch “Investigation Alien”


Investigation Alien | Official Trailer | Netflix
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