The Mexican producer duo known as The Criminal Sounds has been making significant strides in the music industry for quite some time. Their journey began as event organizers through...
The Thelma Hill Performing Arts Center (THPAC) proudly announces its 48th Annual June Dance Festival, titled “Color Pointes”, set to take place from June...
In a momentous event for music enthusiasts and collectors worldwide, Bonhams London is set to auction a piece of musical history that resonates with...
In an unsurprising but nonetheless thrilling development, Drake has once again conquered the music world. This time, he's captured the number one spot on...
Emerging from the vibrant digital landscapes of Japan, virtual singer Hoshimachi Suisei has captured the hearts and playlists of fans around the globe. This...
In the vibrant landscape of Indian cinema, where extraordinary films and their mesmerizing soundtracks captivate audiences worldwide, a new song has emerged to claim...
This coming weekend, the Saxophone Museum in Fiumicino will become a focal point for music enthusiasts as it hosts two days dedicated to celebrating...
Carolyn Dorfman Dance presents Celebrate 40/NYC, in honor of the Company’s milestone 40th anniversary on Wednesday, June 12 and Thursday, June 13, 2024 at...
Limón Dance Foundation is thrilled to announce the 2024 Spring Gala, honoring Linda Murray, Anne H. Bass Curator at the New York Public Library and Lourdes Lopez, Artistic Director at...
Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company announces its participation in the 11th CrossCurrent Dance Festival, in collaboration with Flushing Town Hall, on Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 2pm at...